水平双极电池有记忆效应吗?Does our battery has“Memory Effect”?107
发表时间:2020-11-05 10:26 1.什么是记忆效应?What is the “Memory Effect” that I have heard about?镍镉电池和镍氢电池,会受到所谓“记忆效应”的影响。即一个电池在充电前进行了部分放电,电池就会“忘记”没有放出的部分,结果下次充电后电池只能放出剩余的部分电量。举例说明:如果你定期给电池充满电,然后在下次充电前只使用其50%的容量,那么电池最终会意识不到其还有的50%容量尚未使用。这样电池仍能正常工作,但只能放出50%容量。 Ni-Cad batteries and Ni-MH batteries, suffer from what's called the "memory effect". What this means is that if a battery is repeatedly only partially discharged before recharging, the battery "forgets" that it has the capacity to further discharge all the way down. To illustrate: If you, on a regular basis, fully charge your battery and then use only 50% of its capacity before the next recharge, eventually the battery will become unaware of its extra 50% capacity which has remained unused. The battery will remain functional, but only release 50% of its original capacity. 2.水平双极电池有记忆效应吗?Does our battery has any“memory effect”? 水平双极电池没有记忆效应,满足随充随用。 No, a bipolar pure lead battery do not develop any type of memory effect. |