什么是电解液分层?What is “stratification”?429
发表时间:2020-11-05 10:08 1.蓄电池分层是由于电解液稀硫酸是水和酸的混合物,与所有混合物一样,其中H2SO4比H20重得多(H20的比重是1, H2SO4约1.84),在重力的影响下,更重的物质有不断下沉的趋势。因此, H2SO4会向下逐渐沉淀并集中在底部。 Battery Stratification is caused by the fact that the electrolyte in the battery is a mixture of water and acid and, like all mixtures, one component, the acid, is heavier than water. Therefore, H2SO4 will begin to sink and concentrate at the bottom. 2.电解液存在的高度(极板高度)越高,分层就越明显; The higher the plates, the heavier the stratification phenomenon. 3.充电时,生成的H2SO4,而放电时则产生H20, 使得局部的H2SO4浓度不断发生变化,因此在循环过程中加速分层现象。 When charge ,the H2SO4 produced and make higher gravity around the reaction surface. and produced H2O during discharging to decrease the gravity around. Thus accelerate the stratification during cycling. 4.该现象存在于所有类型铅酸蓄电池; This phenomenon exists in all types of lead-acid batteries. 5.电解液分层会导致“不同高度反应充放电反应状态不一致” 并引起快速硫酸盐化和自放电加快,使得电池性能下降, 寿命 也大幅缩短。 Stratification can cause charge/discharge difference at different height of the plates and leads to sulphation and hard to recharge, finally reduced the performance & service life dramatically. |